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16.0 - Updated on 2024-12-11 by Sara Grady

15.0 - Updated on 2024-07-29 by Denise Moser

14.0 - Updated on 2024-07-29 by Denise Moser

13.0 - Updated on 2024-07-24 by Randy Yoho

12.0 - Updated on 2023-12-12 by Denise Moser

11.0 - Updated on 2021-12-14 by Denise Moser

10.0 - Updated on 2021-10-06 by Denise Moser

9.0 - Updated on 2020-12-14 by Denise Moser

8.0 - Updated on 2020-08-21 by Denise Moser

7.0 - Updated on 2019-12-19 by Ben Allen

6.0 - Updated on 2019-10-29 by Denise Moser

5.0 - Updated on 2019-08-01 by Pamela Miller

4.0 - Updated on 2019-08-01 by Pamela Miller

3.0 - Updated on 2019-07-31 by Denise Moser

2.0 - Updated on 2019-07-10 by Denise Moser

1.0 - Authored on 2019-07-09 by Ben Allen


How do I review or change my Okta Settings?


You should periodically check your Okta settings and enrollments.  Click the options below to review and update various settings. 

Login to Okta Settings

To review or make any changes to your Okta configuration, you will first need to login.

  1. Visit and sign in.  You may be prompted to respond to two-step login.
  2. Click your name in the upper right corner of the screen, then click Settings
  3. When updating any Okta settings you may be prompted to enter your password and provide two-step verification for each change you make.

Two Step Options

  1. Locate the Security Methods section

    1. Here you can view what you have currently enrolled. To configure a new device, click Set up or Set up another
    2. To reconfigure a previous device, click Remove, then you should be able to click Set up.
    3. You can find specific instructions for each type of device below.
  2. When updating any Okta settings you may be prompted to enter your password and provide two-step verification for each change you make.

Reset Password

If you know your current password and wish to change it:

  1. Locate the Security Methods section
  2. Click the Reset button to the right of Password
  3. Respond to the confirmation message that appears

  4. Enter your current password and respond to two-step authentication if required.
  5. Type your desired new password in both of the fields, making sure that it meets the password requirements listed.

  6. Click Reset Password to complete the change.

Secondary Email

A secondary email will be used to send various security alerts regarding your account, such as logging on from a new location or device.  It can also be used if you forget your password and initiate a self-service password reset.

After logging onto Okta Settings (see above):

  1. Click Edit Profile and authenticate if required
  2. Click the Edit button at the top right of the Personal Information section

  3. You can now edit the contents of the Secondary Email field.  Be sure to enter the full email address of your personal email, NOT an address.

  4. When finished, click Save at the bottom of the section.

End All Sessions

There may be times when you wish to log out of all sessions on all devices, such as if you used a shared or public computer and aren't certain you logged off before leaving it.  To do so:

  1. Locate the End All Sessions panel
  2. Click the Sign out button
  3. Confirm the action when prompted

  4. Once completed you will be required to login on all devices and/or in all browsers where you wish to use your ND account.