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Question: How do I get a license to use and install Adobe Creative Cloud?

Context: Only applies to active faculty and staff

Answer: The University of Notre Dame has purchased a limited number of software licenses for the Adobe Creative Cloud suite for use of faculty and staff. 

High Level Process


Step 1: Login with your Notre Dame enterprise account for the first time on Adobe's website

  1. Go to the Adobe opt in site
  2. If prompted, login with your NetID and password

  3. If needed, respond to the two step authentication prompt
    two step prompt
  4. Your enterprise Adobe account will be automatically created, and you will be redirected to the instructions below for downloading and installing the software.
  5. If this is the first time you've done the opt-in process, you will receive an email from Adobe indicating you now have access to All Apps. 
    Note:  It may take 2-4 hours for Adobe to grant access to your account.


Step 2: Download Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop Application and Sign In with Your Notre Dame Account

  1. Download and install the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop application from the OIT Software Downloads page.
  2. Click the Creative Cloud icon, located in the taskbar (Windows) or Apple menu bar (Mac OS), to open the Creative Cloud desktop app.
  3. Click the profile icon and choose Sign in. If the only option you have is Sign Out, choose to Sign Out, and then choose to Sign In again.  At the sign in screen click the link for Sign in with an Enterprise ID
    adobe sign in
  4. In the field labeled Email address or domain name, enter your and either press Tab or click on Sign in with an Enterprise ID button.
  5. You will now see the Notre Dame login screen.  Enter your NetID and password and click Sign in
    ND login
  6. If you are prompted for two step login, respond to the prompt.

  7. You can now use the desired Adobe Creative Cloud application.

Step 3: Download any other Adobe apps via the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop application

After you’ve signed in successfully, you can download and install Adobe applications that are part of the Creative Cloud suite from within the Creative Cloud desktop application by using the Apps menu and choosing Install next to any of those applications.