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  1. For the duration of the Here campaign, the Vice President of Campus Safety will serve as the data steward for this data, advised by the CRU Steering Committee
  2. Only Notre Dame employees assigned to the COVID Response Unit (CRU) in a contact tracing role, direct operational supervisor role, or system administrator role, will have access to individually identifiable Status, Symptomatic and Tracing data 
    1. Access to individually-identifiable data will only be provided by request through the CRU and approved by the data steward
    2. Members of The Wellness Center staff will not be granted access to individually identifiable student data
    3. Members of University Health Services will not be granted access to individually identifiable faculty and staff data.
    4. Wherever possible, aggregated data that results in small sample sizes (typically of 3 or less) will be considered as individually-identifiable and every reasonable effort will be made to avoid exposure.
    5. Exception regarding operational data analytics - for instance location information
  3. Status, Symptomatic and Tracing data in aggregate form only, will be available to individuals assigned to the CRU Data Analysis defined on the CRU organizational chart.
  4. Athletic Trainers and Sports Medicine staff will be able to access Individually Identifiable Status (Red/Green Pass) and Compliance data for Notre Dame student-athletes participating in competition and in supervised or unsupervised training, workouts and practice as part of their participation in a sport.
  5. Generally, data aggregated at the University level will be available to the public/campus community at large.  These aggregations, and an exceptions, are to be approved by the data steward and will typically be cohorts like:
    1. Number of Individuals Testing Positive (by day/week, rolling average, and cumulative)
    2. Number of Individuals Tested (by day/week, rolling average, and cumulative)
    3. Number of Individuals cleared (by day/week, rolling average, and cumulative)
    4. Number or percent completing the daily health check
  6. Aggregated status data will be available to members of the President’s Reopening Advisory Committee and other groups at the discretion of the data steward.
  7. Individually Identifiable Compliance data about faculty and staff will be available to managers/supervisors and higher-level leaders based on their respective scopes of control.
  8. Aggregated compliance data for specific Individual cohorts, such as residence halls/off-campus, or research groups, may be made available to the campus community with approval from the data steward.
  9. Individually Identifiable Compliance data about students will be available to individuals designated by (1) the Vice President of Student Affairs, the Dean of Graduate Studies, or the deans of professional schools, and (2) the data steward.
  10. We acknowledge that some information about faculty and staff (such as test results) will be self-reported and quarantine/isolation status will be self-managed.  Actual test results may not be provided to Notre Dame by individual’s private health care providers.
  11. Any request for use of these data, individually-identifiable, de-identified or aggregate, for the purpose of research must be reviewed and approved by the data steward and the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB).