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2.0 - Updated on 2024-03-20 by Lauren Freda

1.0 - Authored on 2018-03-12 by Scott Lamb


How to Have My Voicemail Delivered to My Email


If you would like us to configure this for you please submit this request form.

If you'd like to make the configuration yourself to enable Voicemail to Email, or to modify the settings:

  1. If you are off-campus, connect the VPN.  This step is not necessary if you are connected to secure campus internet such as Eduroam.
  2. Go to
  3. Log in with your NetID and password
  4. Select Settings

  5. Select Notification Devices > View Notification Devices

  6. Click HTML

  7. Configure the service as follows:
    1. Check the box to select Notification Enabled
    2. Enter email address you wish to send the message to (note you can use a comma and send to other emails,, etc…)
    3. Set HTML Mail Template Format to ND2
    4. Check the box to Allow voicemail as attachments

  8. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save

We recommend that you leave the remaining options on this screen unchanged from the defaults. For additional information on those options, select Help > This page and click on the link for Setting Up or Changing an HTML Notification Device.

When you receive your voicemail via you email, you may find you no longer need the notifications of voicemail to display on your desk phone. You can modify that by following the instructions in Adjusting Your Voicemail Notification Settings.

For information on managing your Voicemail messages click here.