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8.0 - Updated on 2023-09-07 by Michelle Johnson

7.0 - Updated on 2022-04-25 by Matthew McGuire

Individual web publishing space, tilde service and redirected tilde URL service now deprecated

For many years, all NetID accounts had individual web publishing space available at

As of this publication date - Service URLs of the format ( or redirected from the following hosts are deprecated.  Deprecated services receive security support only, which is performed Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm. 

Service URLs located on ( includes statically redirected URLs from these sites to www3 are deprecated: 

Content updates to www3 shared file space is also deprecated: 

Tilde services located on host are static and will continue to function.   However, service software will be periodically upgraded to meet information security requirements. 

Leaving www3 site:   You may still redirect a tilde site using an .htaccess file located within your www3files account space which requires that you maintain the original www3 account file share.  If possible, it is best to simply remove the tilde  account altogether and publish web content elsewhere.