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8.0 - Updated on 2024-05-30 by Pamela Miller

7.0 - Updated on 2022-10-13 by Chas Grundy

6.0 - Updated on 2022-07-12 by Denise Moser

5.0 - Updated on 2020-06-09 by Denise Moser

4.0 - Updated on 2019-10-29 by Pamela Miller

3.0 - Updated on 2019-07-22 by Pamela Miller

2.0 - Updated on 2019-07-22 by Pamela Miller

1.0 - Authored on 2016-08-04 by Chelsea Noble

  1. Set up your NetID and password: When a new NetID (username) is created for an individual, they will receive an email to their non-ND email address with instructions on how to begin. Check your non-ND account that you provided in your admission or hiring materials for an email with the subject line "Activate your Notre Dame account."  This email is sent by and the link in this email remains active for 90 days.
  2. Access your student email and calendar: Just go to and and log in with your NetID and password that you set up in step one.
  3. Connect to the ND Network: You'll want to get your computers, phones, and other devices connected to either the campus wired network or our eduroam wireless network. If you're trying to connect an entertainment system or gaming device, there are special steps for those devices that you should follow.
  4. Configure printing on your computer: The OIT provides all students with a quota of free printing as part of your campus technology fee. Be sure to set up your computer to use the PrintND service to print in a residence hall or any OIT computer lab.
  5. Purchase a Computer: You can find a full-service technology store located in the Notre Dame Bookstore at the Eck Center. You can take advantage of ND discounts on Apple, MSI, Dell, and other computers, computer accessories, and software. You'll find our recommended minimum specifications here.
  6. Do not use your student account to create a YouTube account! Your student Google account will only remain active as long as you are a student at Notre Dame. If you want to start a YouTube channel, use a personal account. Once your account is disabled when you graduate, you won't be able to access your YouTube channel, and there is no way to transfer a channel from one account to another.