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An updated version of this article is available. You can only edit the latest version of the article

8.0 - Updated on 2023-02-07 by Charles Barbour

7.0 - Updated on 2021-08-09 by Charles Barbour

6.0 - Updated on 2021-08-02 by Lauren Freda

5.0 - Updated on 2020-07-29 by Charles Barbour

4.0 - Updated on 2020-07-02 by Kael Kanczuzewski

3.0 - Updated on 2020-03-17 by Charles Barbour

2.0 - Updated on 2019-10-29 by Chelsea Noble

Download by Uploader/Creator

Whoever uploads the video to Panopto can download the video at anytime. This could be a video from your computer or a meeting recording from Zoom.

To download from Panopto:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Sign in.
  3. Log in with your Notre Dame NetID and Password.
  4. Click My Folder on the left navigation.
  5. Locate the meeting you would like to download. 
  6. Click on the title of the video to open it.

  7. In the top-right corner, click the down arrow to download the recording.



Enable Viewers to Download

The ability for viewers to download Panopto content is turned off by default. This setting can be enabled on a per-course (or folder) basis, but that decision would need to be made by the uploader/faculty member who owns the content. It is either enabled for all the students in a class or none of them. It can't be done on a per-user basis.

If you feel you need to download content for your course instead of watching it online, please check with the faculty member teaching the course. If they are willing to allow downloads, they can either follow the instructions here: How to Enable Podcast Downloads, or they can contact the OIT helpdesk for assistance.