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7.0 - Updated on 2023-08-17 by Justin Howell

6.0 - Updated on 2021-07-27 by Tom Marentette

5.0 - Updated on 2020-10-05 by Justin Howell

4.0 - Updated on 2020-09-29 by Justin Howell

3.0 - Updated on 2020-09-29 by Justin Howell

2.0 - Updated on 2020-09-29 by Justin Howell

1.0 - Authored on 2020-08-01 by Tom Marentette


Download Zoom cloud recordings and upload to Panopto

Before You Begin

This article only applies to Zoom cloud recordings made prior to July 6, 2020. All Zoom cloud recordings made on or after July 6, 2020 will automatically be copied to Panopto, deleted from Zoom, and will only be available in Panopto. Using Panopto to store and share recordings provides better security, improved sharing options, and unlimited storage. Imported Zoom recordings are private by default and will not automatically be shared with anyone.

For more information regarding the Zoom and Panopto Integration, please see Accessing, Sharing, and Customizing Your Zoom Recordings in Panopto.

Login to Zoom and download Zoom cloud recordings

1. Login to the Zoom portal at

2. Navigate to the Recordings section on the left side of the screen.


3. Search for the recording you would like to download.

4. Click on the More button dropdown on the right side of the screen and select Download.

5. This action will download all files associated with that recorded event to your local computer.

a. Depending on your recording, you may have anywhere from 2-8 files which will download, including the following types of files:

· Shared screen with speaker view

· Shared screen with gallery view

· Speaker view

· Gallery view

· Shared screen

· Audio only

· Audio transcript

· Chat file

b. Note - The recommended video file to upload into Panopto is the Shared screen with speaker view. If you would also like your transcripts associated with that video as captions in Panopto, you will need to upload that file as well.

6. The files will now download to your local computer.

7. Repeat if you’d like to download more than one recording event.

Login to Panopto to upload recording files

8. Login to Panopto at

9. At the top of the page, click the Create dropdown button and select Upload Media.



10. Click the Dropdown menu to select the Panopto folder you wish to upload to.



11. Click on Choose video or audio files and navigate to the file you’d like to upload.

12. Your upload will begin and depending upon the size of the file, will be ready in Panopto soon.