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1. Background

An individual NetID plus a password is the primary authentication mechanism at the University to allow access to well-defined services, including but not limited to email, electronic file storage, the InsideND portal, and the University’s wired and wireless networks. All faculty, staff, and students receive an individual NetID when the University employs or enrolls them.

The University also uses additional categories of NetIDs to provide access to information technology resources on a service-by-service basis, governed by separate standards and requirements for each type of NetID and service. These standards apply to the creation of all categories of NetIDs.

2. Types of NetIDs

The University of Notre Dame grants access to University-owned information technology resources by issuing individual NetIDs to members of the Notre Dame community, persons affiliated with the University, and external consultants under contract. One NetID is assigned to each eligible individual, and that NetID is never reassigned, reused, or transferred to another individual. Departments or groups use shared NetIDs for research, collaboration, or other needs. University technical professionals also may create additional types of NetIDs for special purposes that are governed by different rules and standards. Types of NetIDs and their uses include:

3. Password Requirements

Password requirements for all NetIDs types, with the exception of Service and Privileged NetIDs, can be found in the the Strong Password Standard. Password requirements for Service and Privileged IDs can be found in the Privileged Account Standard.

4. Who Should Read These Standards

Individuals or departments of the University that are in a position to authorize access to University-owned information technology resources.

5. Reference Documents

6. Contacts

Policy Clarification

Information Security, OIT. Telephone (574) 631-3888, email to

Account Creation

Help Desk, OIT. Telephone (574) 631-8111, email to

7. Exceptions

Exceptions to these standards require the approval of the University’s Director of Information Security.