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Connection to VPN-DC


VPN-DC provides users with connectivity that allows them to administer, or test servers/services within the data center, at Amazon, or at our colocation facility, Data Realty. This access is not possible from other networks, so for those that need this kind of access VPN-DC may be (ES-VPN also provides some connectivity for testing, but not to the same degree) the only way to get it. Requests for access to VPN-DC can be made by submitting the ServiceNow request form: Request VPN-DC.


You will first need to have the Cisco Secure Client installed on your device following these instructions.

Now you need to find the Cisco Secure Client application and click on it. You can perform a search for it if it isn’t readily available on your desktop. Once you’ve started the application a window like the one below will open up.

  1. Type in into the text box and click the Connect button.

  2. Once you’ve clicked Connect, you will see the screen below popup. You will enter the following:

    1. Username: <NetID Account Name>
    2. Password: <Password>
    3. Second Password: Choose one of the listed options:
      1. six digit one-time code from Okta Verify: Open the Okta Verify App and enter the code provided. Note that the code must be entered and you must hit ok before it changes on your device
      2. sms: Type "sms" without quotes into the Second Password field. The form will reset. Enter your username, password, then check your text messages on your mobile device, open the message you received, and type the code into the Second Password field
      3. call: Type "call" without quotes into the Second Password field. The form will reset. Enter your username, password, and type the code you received from the call into the Second Password field
  3. Click Accept on the new window to finish connecting to VPN-DC