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An updated version of this article is available. You can only edit the latest version of the article

12.0 - Updated on 2023-08-25 by Kael Kanczuzewski

11.0 - Updated on 2021-06-14 by Kael Kanczuzewski

10.0 - Updated on 2020-04-01 by Charles Barbour

9.0 - Updated on 2019-12-05 by Laura Cira

Creating the Playlist

  1. Log in to your Sakai course.

  2. Click on Panopto on the left navigation.

  3. In order to create a playlist, you will need to have already uploaded videos you want to add to the playlist. If you haven't yet uploaded videos, see "Upload Video Files."

  4. Click the Create button and then select Playlist.

  5. You will be in the Create Playlist window. Here you can name your playlist folder, choose a folder where your playlist will reside, and write a description. When finished, click Create.

  6. You will be on the Overview page for your playlist. Click on the +Add Videos icon to begin adding videos.

  7. Choose the videos you want to add to the playlist by selecting the checkbox on the left side of the video.

  8. Click Add when done.

  9. When you're done adding videos, click Close

  10. You will see the playlist overview with the list of videos you have added at the bottom. You can reorder the videos within the playlist by clicking and dragging the video to a new position in the list. Close this window when you have finished editing your playlist.

Embedding the Panopto Playlist in Sakai

  1. Click on Panopto on the left navigation.

  2. Locate the playlist you created in the previous steps.

  3. Hover your mouse over the playlist and click on the Share button.

  4. Click on Embed.

  5. Select the entire embed code and copy it to your clipboard (Ctrl+C on PC, CMD+C on Mac).

  6. Navigate to where you would like to embed the playlist in Sakai. This could be an assignment, lesson page, or any location where the rich text editor is available in Sakai.

  7. Click on Source in the RTE.

  8. Paste the code and save/post the content. 

  9. That's it! You now have a playlist embedded.