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5.0 - Updated on 2024-05-21 by John Kelly

4.0 - Updated on 2020-06-05 by John Kelly

3.0 - Updated on 2020-01-24 by John Kelly

2.0 - Updated on 2019-10-29 by Chelsea Noble

1.0 - Authored on 2018-02-02 by John Kelly


How do I moderate a message in Google Groups?


Google Groups


Groups Interface

  1. Go to My Google Groups, then click on the group that you wish to moderate.
  2. Click Group settings on the left side of the screen.
  3. Under Groups Settings, click Posting policies
  4. Check the settings for Who can moderate content and Who can moderate metadata. We suggest allowing both Group owners and managers to moderate
  5. Under Message Moderation, click the dropdown and select your moderation choice - Moderate message from non-members or Moderate all members
  6. At the bottom, click Save changes

All messages to the group will be moderated. You can make individual exceptions to that rule with the following steps:

  1. Go to My Google Groups, then click on the group that you wish to make exceptions to the moderation rule.
  2. Click People on the left side of the screen.
  3. Click a person's name or hover and check the box next to the person or people you wish to allow to post directly.
  4. At the far right, click the dropdown and choose Allow

When a message is submitted to a Google Group that has moderation enabled, all of the list owners and managers are notified via email. The message submitted is included below the notification. Any group owner/manager has two options to take action on a message in moderation.

Option 1:

  1. Click the hyperlink approve or reject in the notification. This will open a tab in a browser on your device. If you aren't logged in to your Notre Dame Google account, you will have to do so.  
  2. Check the box next to the message(s) that you wish to take action.
  3. Click the icon that corresponds with the action you wish to take. You may:
    1. Approve the message
    2. Approve the message and always allow the person to post without moderation
    3. Reject the message and ban the person who submitted it from future posts
    4. Reject the message


Option 2:

To approve the message, reply to the email from your Notre Dame email. Nothing is required to be in the reply message. You do have the option to add a note and send a copy to whoever submitted the message to the list.


  1. Messages are sent immediately. If you wish to delay the approval, you can use Schedule Send in Gmail to delay your approval using option 2.
  2. The sender of the message will not receive a notification that their message was submitted to moderation or any notification on the action (approval/rejection).