About the Shared Folder in Panopto
If you plan to reuse Panopto videos in multiple courses or semesters, you should consider storing them within your Shared folder in Panopto. All Panopto users will automatically have a Private and Shared folder created.
- Private is used to store any videos that you're not ready to share or do not intend to ever share publicly.
- Shared has sharing enabled for "Anyone in the organization with the link". This means if you share a link to a video within that folder, anyone with a NetID will be able to view it. If these videos are shared within Sakai, students should not need to sign in to view the videos.
If the videos you want to post are semester-specific (you do not plan to re-use the content semester-to-semester, as with current lecture videos), you can use the Panopto tool in Canvas and upload the videos to the course folder. The course folder is automatically created when you (as the course instructor) click the Panopto tool.
Accessing Your Shared Folder in Panopto
- Navigate to panopto.nd.edu in your browser.
- Click Sign in.
- Login with your Notre Dame username and password.
- On the left side, click on My Folder.
- There should be two folders, Private and Shared. Click the Shared folder. The default setting for this folder allows any videos you send with a link or embedding to be viewed only by those at the university.
- Within your Shared folder, you can create subfolders or add content as needed. Anything created within this folder will continue to have the permission of Anyone at the organization with the link.
Create a New Folder with Custom Permissions
If you need to change the permissions on your videos to be more or less restrictive than "Anyone at the organization (Notre Dame) with the link" you can create a new folder within the Shared folder or anywhere within your My Folder.To create a folder with custom permissions:
- Click Create.
- Choose New Folder.
- Give the folder a name and click Create Folder.
Making the Folder and its Contents Visible to Others
- After the folder is created the Overview screen is displayed. Click Share on the left menu.
Note: If you do not see the Share menu or need to return to it, click on the people icon next to the folder name. - On the Link tab, click on the "Who Has Access" drop-down and change the permission to Anyone at your organization with the link. This will allow anyone with Notre Dame NetID and password to access your videos, but only if you share the link with them. This will also enable individual videos within the folder which are linked or embedded inside of Sakai to be visible from semester to semester if you choose to import or duplicate your course site.
If you plan on sharing the videos outside of Sakai, such as a personal website, you can change this permission to Anyone with the link. - Click Save Changes button at bottom of window. You're now ready to upload videos or create playlists within this folder.
- After the folder is created the Overview screen is displayed. Click Share on the left menu.
If you plan to invite collaborators
Additionally, if you wish to share this folder with colleagues in your department for team teaching, add their name under the Invite People section and give them Can create rights. This will allow them to add videos and share links in their course sites as well, and will place your new folder in their Panopto folder listing for reuse.
Your collaborators can find and add to the shared folder if they search in Panopto under Users > NetID.