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6.0 - Updated on 2021-08-17 by Rachel Arndt

5.0 - Updated on 2020-10-01 by Rachel Arndt

4.0 - Updated on 2020-08-21 by Rachel Arndt

3.0 - Updated on 2020-08-21 by Rachel Arndt

2.0 - Updated on 2020-08-20 by Rachel Arndt

1.0 - Authored on 2020-08-20 by Rachel Arndt

Getting started, you must create a free trial account/workspace first to apply for an education workspace. The free trial account/workspace will expire in 30 days from creation.

Go to and click on START NOW, FREE.

Go ahead and create your account with Notre Dame account,

Click on Sign up with Google.

Click on your Notre Dame google account.

Click the box by "I accept MURAL’s terms and conditions" and click continue.

Come up with a name for your workspace; it can be your course name. This name will be incorporated into the URL of your workspace, rooms, and murals. The URL cannot be changed in the future.

Click on Blank mural for your template.

Your free trial workspace has been created.

Now open a new tab in your internet browser and go to to apply for education workspace. Make sure to keep your free trial workspace open in the other tab. You will need it later.

Faculty - How to apply for MURAL Education Workspace for your studio classroom:

Click on Apply Now under Classroom.

It will take you to a page to fill out a form with your Notre Dame email ( and School/ University Website is .

It will ask you for the URL of your trial workspace. Go back to the tab with your MURAL free trial workspace. You can find your URL in the address bar at the top of your free trial workspace. You can copy and paste the URL into the field for Workspace URL.

You have completed the steps to apply for a free education MURAL workspace. Your education membership will be activated within the next 24 hours.You can continue working in the free trial workspace with your students.


Students can also request their own free educational workspace, outside of studio classroom, following the pervious steps above on how to create a free trial account/workspace. Then go to and click on Apply Now under Student. Student educational workspace, you get 10 member licenses and 25 guest licenses to share. 

To learn more about MURAL, see this Article (KB0020270).